We offer many services to restore your vehicle back to brand new condition

Alien student auto detailing has a service for anyone on any budget. We offer interior, exterior and full detail packages, with various price points to make sure you can find something right for you.

*Exterior details only offered in weather above 40oF for safety*
*Full detail combines Deluxe interior and exterior packages for a discounted rate*

What we are best at

Our Services

Interior Detail

 Fully restore the interior of your vehicle

*Any car with pet hair adds an additional $10-25 depending on quantity

Basic Interior Detail
- Thoroughly vacuum all surfaces
- Rubber floor mats cleaned
- Carpet floor mats vacuumed
- Clean dash
- Clean cup holders
- Clean all glass surfaces
- Wipe down doors
- Clean steering wheel and pedals

Compact - $50
Sedan - $55
SUV/Truck - $60
Minivan - $65
Deluxe Interior Detail
 (Most Popular)
- Thoroughly vacuum all surfaces
- Vaccum seats, mats, and floor
- Carpet shampoo
- Deep clean of doors
- All glass cleaned
- Seats shampooed
- Leather shampoo/conditioner
- Deep clean of dash
- Console areas deep cleaned
- Cup holders cleaned
- Steering wheel deep cleaned
- Carpet floor mats vaccumed and shampooed, rubber mats cleaned
- HUD and screen cleaned

Compact - $180
Sedan - $200
SUV/Truck - $210
Minivan - $230
Exterior Detail
Fully restore the exterior of your vehicle
*Why you should choose a hand wash
- Automatic car washes damage paint
- Tools are almost never cleaned, so automatic car washes basically slap your car with a wet mop, which is not good for your vehicle.

Exterior Hand Wash

- Foam rinse
- Hand wash
- Hand dry
- Wheels cleaned
- Windows cleaned

Compact - $30
Sedan - $50
SUV/Truck - $60
Minivan - $60
Full Detail (Combines Interior and exterior packages)
Compact - $195
Sedan - $220
SUV/Truck - $230
Minivan - $240